1. Snowstorm Changes and their Impact on Power Outages over the Northeast - Phase I
2. Weather-Power-Grid Testbed Experiments for Risk Contingency Management during Hazards
3. Quantifying Grid Resiliency Using GFM with HELICS Co-Simulation for Enhancing Outage Management
4. A Mapping Tool for Addressing Socioeconomic and Demographic Disparities in Power Outage Impacts
5. Extreme Heat Metrics for More Accurate Energy Demand Prediction
6. Predicting Extreme Weather-Induced Power Outages with Spatially-Aware Hybrid Graph Neural Network
7. Deep Learning Based Nowcasting of Damaging Winds, Phase II
8. Integrating Interdisciplinary Resilience Indices for Power Outages and Restorations
9. Wind power resources for Northeast US under a changing climate
10. Peak Energy Load Management System for Cities (PELMS)