Benefits of WISER
Our WISER and Industry Advisory Board (IAB) meeting at UCONN’s Innovation Partnership Building, explained the benefits of becoming a member of WISER and provide updates for the funded research projects.
The benefits of becoming a member in 2024 include:
Leverage Research Dollars: Get high ROI (Return on Investment) via joint project funding model. Each member dollar leverages 11 additional dollars (1:11 Leverage Ratio)
Access Talent: Members can scout student talent and mentor them, so they end up with the desired skills for work in industry
Reduce R&D Risk: Share the risks of early-stage research for disruptive technology
Research Cost Avoidance: Save internal research dollars, access to facilities and infrastructure, and lower human capital costs
Access Network: Interact collegially with other members/competitors/regulators
Access Intellectual Property (IP): Royalty-free, non-exclusive licenses on IP produced in the Center